September 14-15, 2024 | Frelighsburg, Quebec

Connect Conscious Leadership Retreat

CLEAR Communication

Conscious communication is one of the most powerful tools leaders can learn to motivate and align their teams, navigate conflict with skill and grace, and create better relationships with their colleagues—and everyone else in their lives. This in turn creates better outcomes and leads to more success, less drama and more fun at work and at home. 

On September 14-15, we’re bringing together an intimate group of leaders in beautiful Frelighsburg, Quebec for a day of learning and connection with an eye to bringing more intention, clarity and alignment to your lives.  

We’ll be working with and practicing some powerful communications frameworks, sharing delicious meals, having fun in the woods (and pond and sauna!), and giving you space for integration and reflection. You leave with renewed energy and new tools to transform your interactions and your life. 

What are connect retreats?

Connect Retreats are day-long conscious leadership experiences that offer new tools and help high achievers to “slow up” to reap the rewards of mindfulness and intentional action, so they can build better companies and create impact from a place of creativity, collaboration and curiosity rather than from fear, scarcity and competition.

We’re all about community, connection and curiosity: when you shift the way you see and experience the world, anything is possible!

Learn through Play

Play helps us to be more creative, remember more, and make better decisions. When we’re digging into challenging topics like negotiation and conflict resolution, we bring in playful approaches are memorable and motivating. 

Refocus Yourself

When we cut through the noise, magic happens. Getting out of the city and into connection with ourselves and nature helps us to see the proverbial forest for the trees—we return home and to work with more clarity, grounding and energy. 

Grow Community

Our virtual world can feel disconnecting. We bring founders and leaders together to create deep connections with peers who are walking the same path and who are equally hungry to learn, share their experiences, support others, and feel supported.

Get into Nature

Slow down and everything becomes clearer. We believe time in nature has the power to bring busy leaders the awareness, grounding and balance required to take a more conscious approach to working, leading and growing impactful companies. 

Our format

Saturday, september 14

10 am – 6 pm

+ Arrive, grab a coffee and get settled

+ Learn, play and practice in our group workshops focused on non-violent communication and introducing the CLEAR Communication framework

+ Join the group for a delicious lunch, deepen your connections with the other participants, or take a moment to yourself outside

+ Gather for our afternoon session: get into the woods, play, practice, and learn some more!

+ Final circle and shares for the folks staying for the day

+ Hang out and integrate: cycle from the hot sauna to cold plunges in the pond, go for a solo walk in the forest, or journal about your experience

+ 6 pm departure for the folks staying for the day 

+ Dinner for the folks staying overnight

+ Deepening, connection games and fire circle

sunday, September 15

6 am – 11 am

+ Optional meditation and movement

+ Gather for breakfast

+ A final circle to reflect, share commitments and offer gratitude

+ 11 am departure  

a window looking onto trees from a sauna

Your facilitators

Lauren Jane Heller

Lauren Jane Heller

LJ has spent this lifetime seeking truth, contemplating belonging and social systems, and questioning the status quo. After 15+ years working in communications across numerous industries, she landed in the tech and startup world where she found her calling as a guide and coach—bringing conscious leadership and her spiritual training to the hyper competitive startup landscape.

Julian Giacomelli

Julian Giacomelli

In this pivotal moment of global reckoning, Julian coaches ambitious, mission-driven entrepreneurs as their ventures scale. He applies sound strategy, embodied leadership, and a regenerative mindset. Drawing from deep experience in management consulting and as a scale-up founder (Rise Kombucha), he accompanies leaders towards commercial success, positive impact and a good life.​